Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Graston Technique Used for Breast Cancer Post-Mastectomy

  • Graston is a form of tool assisted soft tissue therapy that is directed at effectively breaking down scar tissue and fasical adhesions.  Scar tissue and fascial adhesions develop most commonly in the muscles, tendons and ligaments because of overuse and injury.  Graston is directed at both diagnosis and treatment, where the tools help to detect soft tissues fibrosis and chronic inflammation, as well as therapeutically work to correct the dysfunctional tissue.

    What injuries does Graston therapy treat?
    Graston is a quick and effective treatment for injuries that involve reduced range of motion, acute/chronic pain, swelling and scar tissue.  Graston has been used to treat various conditions such as tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, neck/back pain, fibromyalgia and rotator cuff syndrome to name a few.

    What are the benefits of Graston Therapy?
    • Reduces Overall Treatment Time
    • Quick Rehabilitation/recovery 
    • Increased Range of Motion
    • Pain Reduction
    • Enhanced Performance
    The Future of Graston Technique Applications
    For some time now, we have known that Graston is more than effective at breaking up scar tissue and fascial adhesion's due to chronic inflammation.  But recently Graston has been astonishingly effective at relieving breast cancer post-mastectomy scar-tissue adhesion's.  This type of application can be applied to almost any post-surgical scar tissue development



    More information available on Graston Techniques Website

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